Online Examination Centre(OEC) helps you conduct Online Examinations in a matter of seconds.

Let it be an Instructor or a Student you will be amazed to see how simple this process can be. You can tailor made a brand new examination in a matter of seconds. Each exam is as unique as you want it to be, complemented wih marking scheme of your choice. Learn More ...


To get started quickly please make sure to install the prerequisite softwares for default installation. If due to some constarints default Enviomnet can not be provided please request a custom build.

Simple Installation steps require to proceed as follows

  • Install the JRE 6.0
  • Insatll Apache Tomcat 6.0
  • Insatall OEC (downloadable as a single war file)
  • You can also download the Source Files and build the applications on you own environment.


    Download the Latest stable build --download(no build available)--

    Download Source --download(not available)--

    Download Nightly Build --download(not available)--

    For more download options go to Download Home


    For Installation related help please go to Installation Help.

    For Download related help please visit Download Help.

    For help using OEC please visit User Manual.